Representative Larry Clark Files Economic Incentive Bill to Attract Research & Development Investments for GE Appliance Park in Louisville

larry-headshotGE Evaluating $325 million investment to strengthen Appliance Park

Frankfort, KY—Today, Representative Larry Clark (D-Louisville) filed legislation to promote advanced manufacturing expansion at GE’s Appliance Research Park, an investment expected to exceed $325 million for research and development and appliance production. House Bill 396 recognizes the significant impact that GE’s continued growth has had upon the Louisville economy and provides the incentive for GE to continue adding advanced manufacturing and research capabilities.

“GE is facing challenges from competitors that utilize low-cost, foreign production,” says Larry Clark. “This legislation provides the incentives for GE to continue to expand right here in Louisville, protecting thousands of jobs and leading to new production capacity and an increase in research and development.” GE partners with the U.S. Department of Energy, the University of Louisville and University of Kentucky to develop advance technologies in product energy efficiency. “It is critical to our region and to the Commonwealth that GE continues to remain vital and grow jobs right here in Kentucky.”

Since 2009, IUE-CWA 83761 has played a significant role as GE’s workforce partner while the company invested more than $800 million in new plants, equipment and product design efforts at Appliance Park in Louisville. More than 2,700 new jobs have been created, including over 400 in engineering, bringing the overall Appliance Park employment to nearly 6,000. The annual payroll for these employees exceeds $307 million, an increase of $120 million from 2009.

The new $325 million proposed investment would help the company reach its goal of maintaining current employment levels by redeploying employees to jobs created by additional component and product insourcing, new product capacity and research and development expansion.

Clark represents the 46th District in Louisville and has served in that position since 1984 and he maintains a 100% voting record. He has served as House Speaker Pro Tem since 1993. Clark has sponsored legislation for job creation, economic development and education, and he has been a supporter of seniors and veterans.  For more information, visit